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胡启昌 教授

发布时间:2025-02-19文章来源: 浏览次数:


中国科学院博士,福建农林大学农业工智能研究中心教授士生导师,入选闽江教育领军人才闽江学者(青年学者)福建省高层次B类人才,福建省科技特派员、首批福建农林大学百人攀登计划,兼任中国农业机械学会人工智能分会委员会委员、现代物理农业工程分会委员。目前主要致力于农业信息感知(农业传感器)、生物水伏电子器件、智能材料与传感、深度学习与传感交叉研究方向。近年以第一或通讯作者在Nature WaterScience AdvancesNano EnergyResearchBiosensors & Bioelectronics《中国科学》等系列期刊发表论文30余篇,被引次数800次,H因子15,申请专利14,软件著作3;主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家重点研发计划子课题、中国博士后科学基金(特别资助和面上资助)、福建省自然科学基金等科研项目16项(国家级4项,省部级5项)。指导学生参加国家级、省部级创新创业大赛与项目,2023年挑战杯福建省特等奖、全国三等奖,2024年中国研究生能源装备创新设计大赛全国一等奖等各类奖项20余项;曾获福建省科技进步奖二等奖(2/6)、福建省教学成果奖二等奖(8/10)、校五四青年个人奖章、校优秀教师等荣誉。目前主讲《电子信息研究进展》、《农业工程研究进展》、《半导体物理》、《农业物理学》等专业课程。




[1] Qichang Hu, Xiuyu Lin, Guoping Ren, Jian Lü, Wei Wang, Dong Zhang, Shungui Zhou*, Hydrovoltaic electricity generation induced by living leaf transpiration, Nature Water, 2024, 2(10), 988-998. https://doi.org/10.1038/s4421-024-00311-9 (Nature 子刊)

[2] Qichang Hu#, Yongji Ma#, Guoping Ren, Bintian Zhang, Shungui Zhou*, Water-evaporation-induced electricity with Geobacter sulfurreducens biofilms, Science Advances, 2022, 8(15), eabm8047. (Science子刊,一区top, IF=14.9)

[3] Qichang Hu#, Guoping Ren#, Jie Ye, Bintian Zhang*, Christopher Rensing, Shungui Zhou*, Hygroelectric-photovoltaic coupling generator using self-assembled bio-nano hybrids, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 452, 139169.  (一区topIF=16.7)

[4] Qichang Hu, Minhui Hong, Zhao Wang, Xiuyu Lin, Wei Wang, Wei Zheng*, Shungui Zhou*, Microbial biofilm-based hydrovoltaic pressure sensor with ultrahigh sensitivity for self-powered flexible electronics, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2025, 275, 117220. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bios.2025.117220 (一区topIF=10.7)

[5] Guoping Ren, Zhao Wang, Bintian Zhang, Xing Liu, Jie Ye, Qichang Hu*, Shungui Zhou*, A facile and sustainable hygroelectric generator using whole-cell Geobacter sulfurreducens, Nano Energy, 2021, 89, 106361. (一区topIF=17.88,共同通讯)

[6] Yongji Ma, Bin Li, Zhao Wang, Guoping Ren, Shungui Zhou*, Qichang Hu*, Christopher Rensing, Microbial biofilm for self-powered noncontact sensing. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2024, 247, 115924. (中科院一区,IF=12.6)

[7] Linzi Liang, Zhengdong Jiang, Zhiyuan Luo, Kekang Liu, Ning Liu, Qichang Hu*, Yanghui Liu*, Low Voltage Electric-double-layer Transistor Nonenzymic Erythromycin Sensors Based on Molecularly Imprinted Polymers, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2024, 1305, 342598. (一区top共同通讯)

[8] Guoping Ren#, Qichang Hu#, Jie Ye, Andong Hu,  Jian Lü*, Shungui Zhou*, All-Biobased Hydrovoltaic-Photovoltaic Electricity Generators for All-Weather Energy Harvesting, Research, 2022, 2022, 9873203.(一区topIF=11.036,共同一作)

[9] 申湘,林秀钰,陈钧,任国平,胡启昌*, 周顺桂, 基于蓝藻生物膜的水伏-光伏耦合发电机,中国科学:技术科学2025, In presshttps://doi.org/10.1360/SST-2024-0262

[10] Jun Lin, Xiaolong Yang, Jiale Huang, Yanqiu Zhang, Xiong Chen, Wenwen Lin*, Xiangzeng Kong*, Qichang Hu*, A sunlight-interference-immune artificial optoelectronic synaptic device for visual perception and memory, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024, 16(50), 69576-69587.  

[11] Wei Wu, Ruiyan Zhang, Xinyue Zheng, Minghui Fang, Tianyuan Ma, Qichang Hu*, Xiangzeng Kong*, Chen Zhao*, Orchard bird song recognition based on multi-view multi-level contrastive learning, Applied acoustics, 2024, 224, 110133.

[12] Guoping Ren#, Qichang Hu#, Jie Ye, Xing Liu, Shungui Zhou*, Zhen He*, Hydrovoltaic effect of microbial films enables highly efficient and sustainable electricity generation from ambient humidity, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 441, 135921.

[13] Xiaolong Yang, Jun Lin, Shiya Huang, Xiuyu Lin, Yuanyu Xie, Fengpo Yan, Wei Zheng*, Xiangzeng Kong*, Qichang Hu*, Semiconductor applications of Yb2O3: Constructing heterjunction solar-blind UV photodetectors with graphene, Applied Physics Letters, 2023, 123(8), 081103. (自然指数期刊,应用物理top期刊, IF=4.0, 该论文被编辑选为Featured article)

[14] 马雍基,任国平,仇英儒,周顺桂*胡启昌*,地杆菌生物膜表面拖曳生电效应及其传感应用,中国科学:技术科学2022, 52(11), 1669-1678.

[15] 仇英儒,任国平,马雍基,周顺桂*胡启昌*. 微生物薄膜湿气发电机: 柔性和自愈性的研究,中国科学:技术科学2023, 53(1), 71-78.

[16] 胡启昌,仇英儒,林秀钰,任国平,周顺桂*,微生物膜湿气发电机: 大面积器件制备及性能研究,中国科学:技术科学2023, 53(12), 2164-2174.

[17]Xiuyu Lin, Zhao Wang,  Wei Zheng*, Binwen Liu*, Qichang Hu*, Ultra-low dark current (6 fA@1 V) in quasi-two dimensional CsGaGeSe4 single crystals for high signal-to-noise ratio photodetectors under strong electron localization, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2023, 14, 11015-11021. (小类一区,IF=5.7)

[18]Shiya Huang, Jun Lin, Xiuyu Lin, Zhao Wang, Yuanyu Xie, Xiong Chen, Xiangzeng Kong, Wei Zheng*, Qichang Hu*, Application of graphene-combined rare-earth oxide (Sm2O3) in solar-blind ultraviolet photodetection, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15(31), 37649-37657. (JCR一区topIF=9.5)

[19]Jun Lin, Zhao Wang, Xiuyu Lin, Xuan Wei, Wei Zheng*, Qichang Hu*, Amorphous-AlZnN/graphene heterostructure for solar-blind ultraviolet photovoltaic detectors, Ceramics International, 2023, 49(3), 4177-4183.  (一区topIF=5.53)

[20]Zhao Wang, Wei Zheng*, Qichang Hu*, Shiyan Lin, Yibing Wu, Dapeng Ye, Pt/(InGa)2O3/nSi heterojunction-based solar-blind ultraviolet photovoltaic detectors with an ideal absorption cutoff edge of 280 nm, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2021, 13, 44568–44576.  (SCI一区topIF=9.22,共同通讯)

[21]Zhao Wang#, Lin Jun#, Xuan Wei, Wei Zheng*, Qichang Hu*, A solar-blind ultraviolet photodetector with Graphene/MgZnO/GaN vertical structure, Frontiers in Materials, 2021, 8, 787613. (SCI, IF=3.5,共同通讯)

















竞赛获奖:指导学生参加国家级、省部级创新创业大赛与项目,2023年挑战杯福建省特等奖,全国挑战杯主体赛三等奖,2024年中国研究生能源装备创新设计大赛 全国一等奖等各类奖项10余项

国家奖学金: 2021级 电子信息研究生 林 珺 (2023年国家奖学金)



2022届 农业工程硕士毕业生 王  钊(攻读博士,中山大学)

2023届 农业工程硕士毕业生 仇英儒(攻读博士,厦门大学)

2024届 电子信息毕业生 林 珺(就业,福建福顺半导体)

2024届 电子信息毕业生 林秀钰(攻读博士,福建农林大学)


硕士:人工智能、电子信息(集成电路工程)、农业工程 (农业信息感知)

博士:农业工程 (农业信息感知技术与装备、农业生物环境工程及资源化利用、农业人工智能)


